Is The Idea Of Perfection Getting You Down
I started this website/blog so that I could share my thoughts and ideas. Also so that I could get practice running a website for another venture.
The problem is that I never publish on this website.
I get so caught up with thinking of the perfect subject or the perfect way to write about it.
I worry about what the people I know will think of what I write. I wonder if my kids will find this one day and what they will think of it.
All of these thoughts have been preventing me from actually doing what I was supposed to which is to write.
I needed to sit back and re-examine why I had this website.
It wasn’t about impressing people or sharing any life changing secrets, it’s just about writing and sharing my story.
Giving those few people who may be interested a small glimpse into my life.
Living with and managing chronic illnesses while raising two absolutely amazing little beings. I’m pretty certain there will be plenty of available subject matter. So I am letting go of the idea of finding a perfect subject, it would be something different for everybody.
What I will do is embrace myself and share my journey; with those who are interested that is.
XOXO Alice